Ivan Illich Suite

Enest Schakleton

Ada Lovelace

starting from 210 €

We speak English

breakfasts included

minimum two nights

Ada Lovelace bedroom
Housed in the upper part of the old chapel, with small windows, we have played with this space to give the Ada Lovelace bedroom a soft and fairylike look.

Enest Schakleton bedroom

The Shackleton room is undoubtedly more classic, but the theme and the wallpaper invite you to imagine extraordinary journeys.

The rooms Ada Lovelace and Ernest Shackleton form a “family” suite. We’ve added a little magic to it to satisfy both parents and children. On the one hand, the children live an adventure with a bit of mystery while the parents enjoy the romanticism of a very original and comfortable room.

La closerie de la Fuye is an ideal place for families: there are natural spaces to explore or to play in and quiet places to rest. We are ideally located for visits and outdoor activities. The furniture is authentic: it has always been there, but the layout and decoration are original.

Experience magic moments with your family !

Chambre Ada Lovelace

Ada Lovelace bedroom

Ada Lovelace room

Ada Lovelace is the daughter of the English poet, Lord Byron. She wrote the first computer program for the machine of Charles Babbage.

Area: 45 m2
High-speed WiFi / Desk
Soft and silent reversible air conditioning

Ernest Shackleton bedroom

THE BOAT. e E. Shackleton

You will enjoy a small modern and practical bathroom, with a view of the chestnut trees.

NEW: There is a small kitchen shared among  guests with a microwave, heating plates, wine bar and fridge.

More than a bed and a breakfast, la Fuye is a crossroad between arts, ecology and heritage.

Please have a look to our not for profit organisation les Amis de La Fuye

NOUVEAUTE : The hug farm and the floral calendar.